Monday, March 19, 2007

Second Life

Although I've heard people discussing Second Life ( for many months now, I've never been to the Web site/game/alternate universe. Thus far, I've shied away from Second Life for two basic reasons:
  1. I don't have the Internet at home, and somehow I suspect my employers would look unkindly on my "playing" Second Life at the Reference / Info Desks
  2. Considering that I have historically shown miserable skillz at navigating the highly complex and perilous 2-D worlds of Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong, I have grave doubts about my ability to navigate a free-range 3D universe like Second Life
Nevertheless, after reading articles about Second Life, I feel a strange pull to try it out, even though I can't really visualize what Second Life is and only understand every fourth word of the articles. However, today I stumbled on a slide show from an Australian librarian that gives me a slightly better understanding of Second Life. Check it out:

Flying Librarians of Oz: What's all the fuss about Second Life and what's it got to do with libraries?