Monday, August 09, 2010

Awkward Situations

Situation One: Monday of last week proved to be very challenging. A patron who has been creeping me out lately, decided to call the desk and ask me how I was doing. As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, he proceeded to tell me that he was my secret admirer and how he loved me. Not to mention that a few weeks ago this same patron “playfully,” and with some force grabbed my arm to tell me that my speaking to other male patrons would only make him jealous. Needless to say, I took the advice of one of the monitors at the Undergraduate Library and made a report with a public safety officer.

It saddens me that a smile coupled with a hello can be taken out of context, but it’s true. This isn’t the first encounter I’ve had with someone taking my kindness or professionalism to mean something completely different. While I do not encourage the patron’s behavior, I will admit that I could have been more direct in handling the situation. Honestly, when the patron put his hands on me that should have been reported and not just overlooked or blown off. What I will say is that there should be a fine line for being professional and cordial to patrons vs. insinuating ANY possible romantic interest. In the future, I intend to make sure my communicative approach remains respectful and professional without straying off into a non-professional discussion.

The Outcome: A public safety officer came over to the UGL to file my report about the patron. She asked me a series of questions including, when had the events taken place. She also asked me why I decided to make a report at this time, considering I failed to report the patron grabbing my arm. After arriving back to the station, the officer’s Sergeant confirmed the decision to make an official report. Under the suggestion of the Sergeant, I alerted my supervisor of the situation. I provided her with a detailed description of what had been occurring with the patron along with my decision to make a police report.

Situation Two: Friday of last week, a patron felt the need to question me about my religious beliefs. He approaches the desk with the question, “could you do me a favor?” I will admit some hesitation and annoyance to his question because of the wide spectrum of inappropriate questions I receive at the reference desk. I tried really hard to avoid directly asking the patron what he wanted because that didn’t strike me as appropriate reference etiquette/behavior. Unfortunately, I failed because he kept beating around the bush which drove me to ask, with a smile of course, what do you want? His million dollar response: “I just wanted to see you smile.” As his Bible sits on top of the desk, he then asks me if I had a relationship with God. The patron followed that by asking, if the cross I happened to be wearing was just for show.

The Outcome: My overall annoyance with this particular patron came rather quickly. The fact that he felt it was okay to approach the desk to inquire about my religious beliefs was ridiculous in itself. Vocalizing my offense to his question about my necklace, only seemed to help him offer poor excuses for his actions. Patrons in the past have made it their business to take interest in my religious beliefs. However, the only difference between those patrons and this patron is their initial reasoning for approaching the desk dealt with reference and not my personal life.

In the end, the patron did end up apologizing, after he made me aware that he was testing me and not before he raddled off some scripture. Yes! Because after all boys and girls, the reference desk is one big test to see how well you can handle some of the most eccentric patrons! So for that valuable lesson, I guess I owe him a thank you! There’s just one thing, I keep thinking how I would have loved to finish our "non-reference interview" off the clock.

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