Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Houston, we've got a weblog

Here begins the weblog for Club UGL . . . May it live long and prosper

At the moment, this blog is intended to let members share their UGL ideas, experiences, and recommended information resources.

The rules are simple:

1) Do not post names, schedules, or any other identifying information.

2) No, really. Don't.

3) Post with caution, young grasshopper. This blog is available to the public (and future employers). Don't say anything you'll regret.

4) Unhappy patrons make for unhappy librarians. Be very careful if you discuss patrons. Conceal their identities and remember that they could conceivably find and read this blog.

5) Though she is loathe to do so, the blogmaster reserves the right to delete identifying information or illegalities.

Currently, non-members can't join the club -- you'll have to watch from the sidelines for the moment, although I may change that later. Once I've figured out what I'm doing.

That's all for now. . . blog away, my friends.

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