Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why I chose librarianship as a career...

I'm too tired to answer this question right now, but this is my blog subject for the week. I'm going to hunt you down and e-mail all of you so that I can hopefully get at least a few answers. I am interested in hearing why you have chosen librarianship as a profession, what other fields you considered working in, and how you think libraries (whether it be public, academic or special) impact our society.

Thanks for your participation!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I was teaching adjunct college English Composition and Developmental Writing classes at community colleges three counties apart from one another when I came to the realization that I didn't want to fill my hatchback up with badly written essays any longer. I was tired of grading papers but I loved inspiring students, helping them research interesting topics, and motivating them to keep asking questions.

At the time, I knew one excellent librarian. It appeared that he had the best job in the world. He went to work, surfed the Internet, and helped students all day long. That sounded crackerjack to me. Especially because there was no grading involved. In the ensuing two years, I've learned there is much more to librarianship than what I mentioned above, but it is still the best job in the world.